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How To Install Lund Tonneau Covers

How To Install Lund Tonneau Covers

By PattyKay Lilley

If you’re looking for added protection and style for the items in your bed, the installation of a Lund tonneau cover is an excellent option. Tonneau covers offer security against the elements while also giving your truck or SUV a more polished appearance – all while being easy to use and install.

In this post, we’ll be discussing the ins and outs of installing a Lund tonneau cover, as well as consider some key tips and FAQs that may help with your install process to make it as easy and successful as possible. Read on to learn more!

How To Install Lund Tonneau Covers

Before you begin the installation, ensure you have all the necessary tools and hardware. The Lund tonneau cover comes with a comprehensive installation kit, including clamps and bolts. You’ll also need a ratchet set and possibly a drill if your truck bed doesn’t have pre-existing holes.

Start by properly aligning the Lund tonneau cover on your truck bed. Make sure the cover is square with the bed and that all edge rails are aligned correctly. This is critical to ensure a snug fit and effective sealing against the elements.

Next, begin securing the cover with the provided clamps. Start from the front and work your way towards the rear. Remember to keep checking the alignment as you progress to ensure the cover remains properly positioned. The clamps should be tightened but not over-tightened as this could damage the cover or your truck bed.

Once the cover is secured, it’s time to check the seals. Close the cover and inspect all around for any gaps. If you find any, adjust the cover as necessary. Lastly, make sure the latches and locks are functioning correctly. This is essential for the security of your items in the truck bed.

The installation process of a Lund tonneau cover is pretty straightforward. However, it’s always useful to have an extra pair of hands, especially when aligning the cover. Follow these steps carefully and you’ll have a functional, stylish protection for your truck bed in no time. Now that you know how to install Lund tonneau covers, you’re well-equipped to tackle this task!

How Tight Should A Lund Tonneau Cover Be?

A properly installed Lund tonneau cover should be tight enough to prevent water or dust from entering the truck bed. However, it shouldn’t be so tight that it strains the material or the attachment points.

Ideally, the cover should appear smooth and flat when installed. There should be no significant bulges or sags, which could indicate that the cover is too loose or too tight, respectively. If you see either of these signs, adjustments might be necessary.

Remember, the primary goal of a tonneau cover is to protect your truck bed and its contents. A cover that’s too loose won’t adequately protect against the elements. Conversely, a cover that’s too tight could lead to premature wear and tear or even damage to either the cover or the truck bed.

To find the right balance, begin by securing the cover as the manufacturer recommends, then make fine adjustments as necessary. Finding the right tension may take a bit of trial and error, but it’s worth the effort to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your Lund tonneau cover.

How to Maintain Lund Tonneau Cover

How to Maintain Lund Tonneau Cover

Maintaining your Lund tonneau cover is crucial to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular cleaning and inspection are essential steps in this process.

Start by washing your tonneau cover with mild soap and water. Make sure to avoid harsh detergents or abrasive cleaners that may damage the material. After washing, dry the cover thoroughly to prevent water spots or mildew.

Regularly check the seals and hardware of your Lund tonneau cover. Ensure the seals are intact and properly seated. If you notice any damage, repair or replace them as necessary. Also, inspect the clamps and other hardware for any signs of corrosion or wear and tear.

Lubricate the hinges and locks of your cover from time to time. Use a silicone-based lubricant for the best results. This helps to ensure smooth operation and prevents rusting.

Inspect your tonneau cover for any signs of damage or excessive wear. If you notice any issues, address them immediately. This can prevent minor problems from becoming major ones.

Finally, make sure to store your tonneau cover properly when not in use. Keep it in a dry, cool place to avoid any damage.

By following these maintenance steps, you can ensure your Lund tonneau cover continues to provide the protection and style you need for your truck bed. Remember, a well-maintained tonneau cover can save you money in the long run by preventing damage to your truck bed and its contents.

See more: How To Install Tri-Fold Tonneau Covers


It’s common for people to have a handful of questions when it comes to installing and maintaining a Lund tonneau cover. To help you get the most out of your cover, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions and provided some comprehensive answers.

How long does it take to install a Lund tonneau cover?

The installation process varies depending on the user’s familiarity with the task and the specific model of the cover.

However, on average, it may take between one to two hours. The key is to follow the installation instructions carefully and ensure proper alignment of the cover. It’s also helpful to have a second person assist with the alignment and securing process.

Do I need to drill holes in my truck bed to install a Lund tonneau cover?

Most Lund tonneau covers are designed for a no-drill installation, using clamps to secure the cover to the truck bed. However, certain truck models or types of tonneau covers may require drilling for optimal fit and security. It’s always best to refer to the specific installation instructions that come with your Lund tonneau cover.

Can I drive with my Lund tonneau cover open?

Yes, you can drive with your Lund tonneau cover open. However, it’s important to make sure the cover is securely fastened in the open position to prevent it from flapping or potentially damaging your vehicle or the cover itself.

Each model may have a different method of securing the cover in the open position, so it’s best to refer to the specific instructions provided.

How often should I clean my Lund tonneau cover?

Regular cleaning is crucial to the longevity and appearance of your Lund tonneau cover. It’s advisable to clean the cover once every month, but the frequency may depend on the environmental conditions and how often you use your truck.

It’s important to use a mild soap and water, as harsh chemicals can cause damage. After cleaning, always remember to dry the cover thoroughly to prevent water spots or mildew.

Final Thoughts

Installing and maintaining a Lund tonneau cover can seem like a daunting task, but with the right instructions and a bit of patience, it’s a task that can be accomplished by anyone. Remember, the key to a successful installation is following the manufacturer’s instructions and making careful adjustments to ensure a perfect fit and proper tension.

While installation is crucial, the longevity of your tonneau cover largely depends on how well you maintain it. Regular cleaning and inspection of the seals and hardware can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. Lubrication of hinges and locks ensures smooth operation while deterring rust.

Driving with the tonneau cover open is perfectly fine, given that it’s securely fastened. It’s important to adhere to the cleaning frequency based on environmental conditions and usage rate. After all, simple steps like these can go a long way in enhancing the lifespan and overall performance of your Lund tonneau cover.

Lastly, remember that every model has unique features and installation instructions. Always refer to the specific manual provided to get the most out of your Lund tonneau cover. With proper care and maintenance, your tonneau cover can provide robust protection and style for your truck bed for years to come.

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